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Saturday, November 2, 2013


Mom and I had a busy day today! But the best part is that I slept until 8:30 this morning :) Mom hasn't been sleeping well, so she was particularly grateful for the extra sleep this morning. After breakfast, we went to dance class. I'm really enjoying class and can't wait for the Winter Revue so mom and dad can come see what I've learned!

Mom and I stopped for lunch, then went to Joe and Ruthie's house to take their dogs, Jackson and Indy, out to go potty. I *love* these dogs so much and was so excited to play with them!

Indy wanted to go out first. There was another dog outside and he got pretty excited. We walked around a lot and he sniffed the ground a lot.

2013.11.02 - Playing with Indy

Jackson wasn't nearly as excited as Indy, but he was so friendly and loved being petted :)

2013.11.02 - Playing with Jackson

I actually cried when we left because I didn't want to leave the puppies behind :( Mom says I can go back and play with them another time, though.

Mom and I spent the afternoon trying to get my brother's room ready and I cleaned out a lot of toys and clothes that are too young for me. So much stuff to sort through! We made a lot of progress, but still have a lot to do. Mom's taking some vacation time before my brother comes, so that should help.

Happy weekend everyone!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

What a fun day! My school parade was this morning - mom and dad came to watch and I got to wear my Tinkerbell costume and parade around school.

Mom dropped me off a little early and helped me get dressed in my costume. I was so excited that she put a bun in my hair this morning.

2013.10.31 - Getting ready for school parade

I waved to mom and dad during the parade.

2013.10.31 - School Halloween Parade

After the parade, we got to decorate (and eat) cookies in my class :) Lots of treats this time of year! Yesterday, we even got some cupcakes at school that had black frosting. My whole mouth turned black and my face looked green! We had to really scrub during bath time last night.

After school, we went to Arabelle's house and had dinner and went trick or treating. We've done this the last few years and it's always a great time. It was raining a bit tonight, but at least it was pretty warm and we didn't really mind. Belle dressed as Jessie from Toy Story, her brother Cole was the alien, Ken was Buzz Light Year and Marie was Bo Peep :) They were all very awesome costumes, but mom didn't get any pictures on her phone, unfortunately. I'd say we did well, though - our pumpkins were nearly full by the time we got back to their house and my arm hurt from carrying it!

Mom wore her "Pirate on Board" shirt and I told her that she was like Captain Hook since I was Tinkerbell :)

We still haven't carved our pumpkins, but think we'll do that this weekend. Better late than never, right? And we'll also sort through all of the candy after school tomorrow - it was way after bedtime by the time we got home tonight, so I got straight into my jammies and went to bed.

Hope you all had a nice Halloween!!!

Here are a few fun pictures from the past week.

Last Saturday, my cousins Carter and Cole came to visit for a while. We had so much fun playing together!

2013.10.26 - Cousins

And we got to visit with Jay, Molly, Jacob, and Lily on Sunday! It was Molly's birthday and it was so nice to meet baby Lily! I had a TON of fun playing on Jacob's rocking horse!

2013.10.27 - Rocking horse!

I can't believe tomorrow is November already. That means I'll get to meet my brother some time this month!!! I'm really excited about that (and I think mom's pretty ready, too).

Take care, everyone!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Marble Mania!

I told you I like to build things! My marble maze is so much fun to play with. Daddy and I tried to build a maze tonight that was as tall as me, but we didn't have quite enough pieces. It was pretty cool, though...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

What a fun weekend! Yesterday I had dance in the morning and Cole's birthday party in the afternoon. It was a bubble party and was SO much fun! Arabelle and I and one of her other friends were allowed to play in the basement AND in Belle's room, which was really cool. I think Cole had fun with his friends, too :)

Today, mom and I got donuts for breakfast in our PJ's :) Mom was out of coffee, so we went to the Dunkin Donuts Drive Thru - win for both of us! Then we went to the Pumpkin Patch! We got to take a hay ride out to the pumpkin fields. I had fun, but it was a bit bumpy and mom said it wasn't too comfortable for her. It was a BEAUTIFUL day, though!

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

This was the first pumpkin I picked.

It was heavy!

This one is more like it :)

The big pumpkin on the ground is for daddy and the one I'm holding is for mommy. Mommy was holding mine because it was too heavy for me!

2013.10.20 - Mommy and Daddy's pumpkins

Mommy and I.

Daddy and I.

I took a rest with daddy on the ride back to the farm.

2013.10.20 - Resting on the hay ride

After we took the pumpkins back to our car, we went back to feed some of the animals. I fed an alpaca, a goat, and some chickens! The rest of the animals (the pigs and the cow) were sleeping and weren't hungry.

2013.10.20 - Feeding the alpaca and goat

We had a blast and the weather was perfect! The line for food was too long, so we ended up just getting some apples and some cider from the market and stopping for lunch on the way home.

Back to school tomorrow...hope everyone had a nice weekend!

Friday, October 18, 2013

My Brother

School was closed today because the teachers had meetings all day (aka an inservice day). Mommy had one of her weekly doctors appointments to see my brother, so she told me I could go with her this time! I've been very anxious to hear his heartbeat because mom says it's much faster than ours is. The appointments with this doctor usually take a long time, so she doesn't usually want to take me, but she said that if I could behave I could go.

It did really take a long time, but I behaved PERFECTLY! While we were waiting, I wrote a story about my brother that I'm going to read to him when he comes home from the hospital.

2013.10.18 - Story about my brother

I thought of a lot of words to describe my brother, then wrote them all down. I did as many as I could without mommy's help, but I had to ask for help a few times. In case you can't read my writing, here's what it says:


cord (I asked mommy how he breathes right now)
car seat
smiyl (my version) and smile
swaddle blanket
no hair
mommy rocks (she says she likes this one the best!)
daddy rocks
big sister rocks
cat rocks
baby rocks

What do you think???

When we finally got to go in to see the doctor, we got to see lots of pictures of my brother. There was a student in the room too, so we got extra pictures while she practiced. My brother was being stubborn (still) and wouldn't give us a very good picture of his profile. He's still breech and was hiding his face with his hands. His position makes it hard to do the monitoring the doctors need to do and it's making it hard for mommy to breathe and to feel him move much (other than the occasional nudge from the back of his head). The student was finally able to get a really good 3D picture of his face in the moment he moved his hands away. I was totally fascinated - his face looked really red on the screen, but mom assured me that he wasn't really that red and that it was just the picture.

My brother's heart rate was really high the whole time, though, so we had to stay for some additional monitoring (which only added to the already REALLY long appointment). Thankfully he calmed down and we were able to go home instead of to the hospital for more monitoring. Mommy's been super itchy, so the doctor gave her some medicine and wants her to get some more bloodwork, which we'll do tomorrow morning (she says she can't eat first, so we'll go first thing). Fun times, huh? Hopefully the medicine they gave her today will help! Mom joked that my brother's middle name was going to be "Trouble!" I don't think I believe her, though...

Mommy had to get some work done when we got home, so I got to watch a movie on daddy's TV in the basement :) I wanted Winnie the Pooh because it doesn't have ANY scary parts in it! I continued to behave really well all afternoon while mommy and daddy worked. Daddy went to a play tonight, so mommy and I went out to dinner. As a treat for being so cooperative today, mom and I split a piece of chocolate peanut butter cake :) It was delicious, but we weren't able to finish it.

2013.10.18 - Peanut Butter Cake!

We have a fun filled weekend ahead - dance class and a birthday party tomorrow, then hopefully some outside time on Sunday! The weather has been quite nice the past few days and it looks like it will continue through the weekend - huzzah!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Engineer in the making...

I LOVE building things. Blocks, marble mazes, ramps for my cars, lego sets. You name it and I love to build it. I love to play with my circuit set with dad too - you can do all sorts of fun things. There are motors, lights, switches, dimmers, batteries, and lots of other fun elements.

It's been a while since I've played with the set, so dad had to remind me how to set it up.

2013.10.17 - Learning about circuits!

I eventually got the hang of it again and was able to build some cool circuits!

2013.10.17 - Engineer in the making!

School has been going really well. Mom and dad were super proud when I brought home this guided reading worksheet last week!

2013.10.17 - Guided Reading

A few days ago, daddy let me help him make some cookies. Yum! We made sugar cookies and I got to help measure, mix, and roll out the dough. I even got to pick some of the cookie cutters and the colors for the icing. We picked orange and purple for the icing since it's almost Halloween :) It was pretty cool to see the icing change from white to the different colors when we added the food coloring! After we played with my circuit set tonight, I got to eat a yummy cookie! I definitely have a sweet tooth...I even told mom the other day that I hope the first baby tooth that falls out is my sweet tooth! Too bad it doesn't work that way, huh?

2013.10.17 - Enjoying one of the cookies she made with daddy!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dancing Sydney!

I know I'm way overdue in writing about my awesome FIFTH birthday, but you'll just have to be patient and wait a little more time...mommy still has some photo editing to do...

In the meantime, this one is for Aunt Terry. No video, but I'm really enjoying my dance class. Tap first, then ballet. A few of my friends from my old school are in my class and it's nice to be able to spend time with them again.

2013.10 All ready for tap!

Everything else has been going pretty well. School is fun and I'm doing well. I'm still really enjoying reading and am spending much more time working on my writing. I've even learned to count to 100 by 2's and 5's! Mom was proud of me for that one (she says she likes math, so that made her happy).

Maybe mom will finish the photos this weekend and I can share some of them from my birthday. Thank you to everyone who was able to come celebrate with me and for all of my fun and wonderful gifts!!! I've loved wearing all of my fun jewelry, making some new jewelry, decorating a new jewelry box, and playing lots of games! We're in the process of re-organizing all of my toys so my new toys can stay out and my "baby" toys can be saved for my little brother.

Hope everyone is doing well!